Circles of Support mailing
HMRI needed to connect with constituents in regards to their circles of support program. Open to all individuals, HMRI’s Circles of Support are made up of community members who are committed to advancing our mission: changing lives through multidisciplinary patient-focused research. The details of this program were relayed in the letter (below) which included the response card (to the right of the letter). Both items use hexagons that overlap and create new patterns and shapes. These hexagons are a visual representation of scientific research and how it changes and builds as new innovations are discovered and implemented.

Forward Campaign
The Forward Campaign used the same hexagon treatment as the Circles of Giving as to create continuity. While they were different giving programs, they were both to benefit HMRI, their research, and the constituents they serve. The Forward Campaign brochure and return envelope are below. The Forward Campaign was a special matching program as a final push to fund the new HMRI building.
HMRI Forward Campaign brochure: front cover, inside spread, back cover

HMRI Forward Campaign return envelope: flap and under flap (below). Mailing side not pictured